Understanding OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication and how it works

October 8, 2023

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OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a standard to provide Single Sign On (SSO). It acts as one single point where two applications can share user data. This article gives you an overview of OIDC and is a great entry point before digging deeper into implementation.

What is OpenID Connect (OIDC)?

OIDC stands for OpenID Connect, an authentication protocol built on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework. It enables clients to verify the identity of users based on the authentication performed by an authorization server. Simply put, OIDC lets applications verify user identities without handling usernames and passwords directly.

How Does OIDC Work?

At its core, OIDC works by allowing users to authenticate through an identity provider (IdP). Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the OIDC authentication process:

  1. Authentication Request: The application (relying party or RP) sends an authentication request to the OIDC provider (IdP).
  2. User Authentication: The IdP verifies the user using methods like usernames and passwords or single sign-on (SSO)..
  3. Authorization Code: Once authenticated, the IdP sends an authorization code back to the application.
  4. Token Exchange: The app exchanges the authorization code for tokens, like an access token, ID token, and sometimes a refresh token.
  5. User Information: The application uses these tokens to retrieve user information and authenticate the user.

Key Components of OIDC

There are some key components that we commonly refer to in OIDC

  1. Authentication: This is the process of confirming a user's identity. You can use methods like passwords, biometric data, or multi-factor authentication (MFA) to do it.
  2. The Client: This is software, like a website or app, that requests tokens to verify users or access resources.
  3. Relying Parties (RP): These are applications that depend on OpenID providers to verify users. They rely on the IdP to confirm user identities and provide the needed tokens.
  4. Identity Tokens: These tokens hold identity data, usually detailing how and when a user was verified. They securely share information with the client.
  5. OpenID Providers (IdP): These are applications where a user already has an account. They authenticate the user and pass this information to the relying party.
  6. Users: Users are people or services that want to access an application without creating a new account or providing a username and password. OIDC makes this easier by allowing authentication through existing IdP accounts.

What are OIDC Flows?

OIDC supports several authentication flows to accommodate different application needs. These flows determine how tokens are issued and exchanged. The primary OIDC flows include:

OIDC Authorization Code Flow

The Authorization Code Flow is the most secure and recommended flow, especially for server-side applications. It involves the following steps:

  1. User Authentication: The application redirects the user to the IdP to authenticate.
  2. Authorization Code: The IdP returns an authorization code to the client after successful authentication.
  3. Token Exchange: The client exchanges the authorization code for tokens, including access, ID, and refresh tokens.

This flow is secure because the tokens are not exposed directly to the user-agent (browser), reducing the risk of token leakage.

OIDC Implicit Flow

The Implicit Flow is for client-side apps like single-page apps, where tokens are sent directly to the user's browser. The steps include:

  1. User Authentication: The user is redirected to the IdP.
  2. Token Issuance: The IdP issues tokens directly without an intermediate authorization code.

The implicit flow is considered less secure than the  Authorization Code Flow. This happens because the tokens are exposed to the user-agent,

OIDC Hybrid Flow

The Hybrid Flow combines elements of both the Authorization Code and Implicit flows. It provides tokens directly to the user-agent and an authorization code to the client.
The hybrid flow is a great balance between security and efficiency. This is due to the client obtaining the tokens directly, while still exchanging the authorization code for additional security.

OIDC vs. OAuth 2.0

It's important to distinguish between OIDC and OAuth 2.0, even though people often discuss them together. OAuth 2.0 is primarily an authorization framework, allowing applications to access resources on behalf of users. OIDC extends OAuth 2.0 by adding an authentication layer, enabling applications to verify user identity.

OAuth 2.0:

  • Focuses on authorization (granting access to resources).
  • Does not provide information about the user’s identity.


  • Adds an authentication layer to OAuth 2.0.
  • Provides ID tokens containing user information and authentication details.

Benefits of OIDC Authentication

Implementing OIDC brings several advantages:

  1. Standardizes Authentication: OIDC provides a standardized approach to authentication, ensuring consistency across different applications and platforms.
  2. Streamlines Identity Management: By delegating authentication to a trusted IdP, OIDC simplifies identity management for applications. This reduces the overhead of managing user credentials directly.
  3. Reduces the Risk of Stolen Passwords: OIDC minimizes the need for applications to handle sensitive user credentials. This  reduces the risk of password breaches and associated security incidents.
  4. Enhances Security Controls: OIDC supports advanced security features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access.

OIDC Protocol and Security

The OIDC protocol ensures robust security through various measures:

  • ID Tokens: These tokens carry user information and the IdP signs them to ensure their integrity. They include claims about the user and the authentication process.
  • Access Tokens: Used to access protected resources, they help enforce user permissions and scopes. These tokens are typically short-lived to minimize exposure.
  • Refresh Tokens: Allow applications to obtain new access tokens without re-authenticating the user. This enables long-lived sessions without compromising security.
  • Client Secrets: Applications use these secrets to authenticate themselves with the IdP, adding an extra layer of security.

By adhering to these security practices, OIDC helps in safeguarding user data and maintaining trust.

Implementing OIDC in Your Application

Implementing OIDC involves integrating with an identity provider that supports OIDC, such as Google, Microsoft, or custom IdPs. Here’s a high-level overview of the implementation steps:

  1. Register Your Application: Register your application with the IdP to obtain client credentials (client ID and client secret).
  2. Configure OIDC Settings: Set up OIDC configuration, including redirect URIs, scopes, and endpoints.
  3. Initiate Authentication Flow: Redirect users to the IdP for authentication and handle the response containing tokens.
  4. Token Handling: Securely store and manage tokens, ensuring proper handling of access, ID, and refresh tokens.
  5. User Information Retrieval: Use the access token to fetch user information from the IdP’s userinfo endpoint.

OIDC Examples and Use Cases

OIDC is widely used across various scenarios, including:

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On allows users to authenticate once and gain access to multiple applications without re-entering credentials. OIDC facilitates SSO by enabling centralized authentication through a trusted IdP, improving user convenience and security.

Mobile Apps

Enhancing security and user experience in mobile applications through seamless authentication is a key benefit of OIDC. By using tokens, mobile apps can securely authenticate users and access resources without requiring repeated logins.

APIs and Microservices

Validating access tokens from OIDC providers secures API endpoints, allowing only authorized clients to access sensitive data and services.. This is particularly important in microservices architectures, where different services need to authenticate and authorize requests efficiently.

What to Consider When Choosing OIDC

When implementing OIDC, consider the following factors:

  • Identity Provider Support: Ensure the chosen IdP supports OIDC and meets your application’s requirements. Popular IdPs include Google, Microsoft, and custom enterprise solutions.
  • Scalability: Choose an IdP that can handle your current and future user base. Evaluate the IdP’s performance and reliability to ensure it scales with your application’s growth.
  • Security Features: Look for robust security features, such as token encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and support for various authentication methods.

Understanding and implementing OIDC authentication can significantly enhance the security and user experience of your applications. By leveraging the OIDC framework, you can provide secure, scalable, and user-friendly authentication mechanisms. Whether you're building mobile apps, web applications, or securing APIs, OIDC offers a robust solution that meets diverse authentication needs. As you explore OIDC, keep in mind the key concepts, flows, and best practices discussed in this article to ensure a smooth and secure implementation.

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