Sell on Microsoft AppSource or Azure Marketplace now

Use our low-touch integration to quickly place your offer in front of thousands of potential new customers.

Reach new customers in minutes

Sell your application on Microsoft's commercial marketplace and expose your offer to thousands of potential new customers. Lower the barriers to purchase and allow customers to transact your offer with a click.

Minimal technical effort

A webhook and a landing page URL, that's all it takes.

The next generation of the feature management

Up and running in minutes

Minimum effort, maximum security

ISO 27001 Certified

Our ISO certification is a token of our dedication to security and confidentiality of information and data. We work with this every day, and now you can see it too.

GDPR Compliant

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

Penetration tested

Nblocks is a living product and undergoes recurring weekly check ups to ensure that we stay

Build SaaS how it should be built today

Say Goodbye to Complex Backend Setups.