Understanding Multi-tenant Architecture: A Deep Dive

October 8, 2023

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Multi-tenant architecture has reshaped the delivery and experience of software applications. It offers profound benefits for both businesses and users. Here’s a deep dive into the intricacies of this software architecture technique.

What is Multi-tenant Architecture and How Does It Work?

Multi-tenant architecture is a software design approach where a single instance of an application serves multiple tenants. A tenant is a user or a group with users. Multi-tenant architecture works by segmenting data storage, processing and configuration. The segmentation creates dedicated environments within the software application. This ensures privacy and data isolation for each tenant. 

In a multi-tenant architecture, each environment operates independently. This permits the implementation of rules for each tenant’s needs. A tenant can also personalize some features in its dedicated environment. Modifications to an environment don’t affect other environments in the system.

Most SaaS applications rely on a multi-tenant architecture to serve users. Some examples include:

  • Email apps: Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo
  • Communication and collaboration apps: Slack, Trello, Loom
  • Cloud storage services: Cloudinary, Dropbox, Google Drive
  • Website platforms: Wix, Webflow, Shopify

What Are The Key Benefits of Multi-tenant Architecture?

Multi-tenant architecture provides several benefits for businesses and users. Some major advantages of multi-tenancy include:

  • Efficient Use of Resources: Multi-tenant architecture guarantees adequate storage and computational capacity for customers. Resources are shared  among customers through techniques like load balancing and sharding. This reduces hardware needs, software licenses and maintenance expenses.
  • Ease of Maintenance and Upgrade: Updates in multi-tenant setups are done for all tenants simultaneously. This prevents scenarios where certain tenants encounter downtime while others remain unaffected.
  • Cost-effective Deployment: Less time and financial resources are required for multi-tenant application development. Cloud computing platforms like Oracle offer cost-effective solutions for application deployment.
  • Proportionate Scaling of Resources: The sharing of an instance makes scaling easy for tenants. They can add or remove resources as needed. These activities are done without changes to the overall system.
  • Improved Security and Privacy: Each tenant’s data is strictly isolated and secured across the system. This simplifies compliance with data protection regulations. It also offers the advantage of effectively detecting and addressing attacks.
  • Customizability: Customization is achievable in multi-tenant setups. For instance, some tenants can experience certain features that are unavailable to others. This use-case can be implemented with a feature flag management software. Integrating this software into applications facilitates a smooth deployment of tenant-targeted experience. This may be used for feature roll-outs to different user segments.

What Are Some Disadvantages of Multi-tenant Architecture?

Multi-tenancy is usually the best option for SaaS applications. However, it has some drawbacks. Notable ones include:

  • Greater security risk: sharing of resources among multiple tenants exposes the system to vulnerabilities.
  • Resource scarcity: increased load of one tenant can make resources scarce for other tenants.
  • Single point of failure: tenants face risk of data loss because there’s only one instance of the application.
  • Complexities: management of subscriptions and allocation of privileges can become complex with time. 

Top 4 Factors to Consider When Implementing Multi-tenant Architecture

There are some factors to note when implementing a multi-tenant  architecture in your app. Here are a few worth considering 

Tenant Isolation

This involves the separation of tenant’s data for privacy and security. In multi-tenancy, all environments operate on a shared infrastructure. This underscores the importance of tenant isolation. Some notable isolation models include:

  • Silo isolation:  involves the isolation of tenants by using distinct data repositories for each tenant. It guarantees the highest level of data isolation, but is cost-intensive.
  • Pool isolation: multiple tenants are isolated into groups based on database load. It strikes a balance between resource efficiency and data isolation. However, robust controls are required to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Bridge isolation: combines silo and pool models to enable controlled resource-sharing and isolation. For example, tenants share a database, while using isolated microservices. Segregating microservices splits the application into smaller, independent services. Each service then runs in separate instances and handles specific functions. Bridge isolation offers better data isolation than the pool model. However, it requires more resources.
  • Tier-based isolation: data is isolated based on the tenant's subscription tier. It  is a flexible balance between cost efficiency and data security.

Tenant Onboarding

Sharing onboarding resources eliminates the need for infrastructure setups for each new customer. This can cut down your customer acquisition costs. To reduce churn, your application’s onboarding process must be seamless and secure. Integrating an authentication software offers a perfect implementation of  these requirements in your application.  This onboarding resource offers your users swift sign-in, sign-up and authentication.

Despite sharing resources, it remains important to offer users preference settings. This is much-needed in the onboarding of organizations and groups. To achieve this, you can integrate a user-management-as-a-service into your application. This provides users with privilege allocation and roles management features. Its modular design and support for multi-tenancy guarantees data isolation across user groups.

Tenant Configuration

Delivering unique experiences for tenants is essential in multi-tenancy. This is due to the varying demands of tenants. Consider an approach that permits easy addition of new configurations by users. For instance, you can design your application to allow third-party integrations through APIs. By doing this, users can integrate external tools with your application. This creates a seamless workflow across different applications for users.

Additionally, ensure the information on each configuration in your application is clear.

Tenant Usage Analytics

Insights helps in resource allocation and enhancing application’s performance. Collecting and analyzing tenants’ data is an effective way to gather insights.

Some key metrics to monitor include:

  • Tenant’s memory and storage usage
  • Feature adoption
  • Application’s response times and performance
  • Periods of increased activity
  • Active tenants and user groups.
  • Expenses per tenant and subscription tier
  • Revenue per tenant and subscription tier

Wrap Up

Multi-tenant architecture is a proven choice in the world of software development. Its balance between scalability, cost-effectiveness, and customization offers businesses a competitive edge.

Are you considering implementing a multi-tenant architecture in your application? Nblocks’ suite of tools are what you need to speed up development. Its authentication, authorization, user management, team management, customization, and feature management tools have pre-built components for any language or framework. 

Sign Up now to access pre-built components and make your application market-ready in minutes.

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